JavaEE Pragmatic Introduction

1) Background:
Below steps demonstrate about creation of workable web application based on Java EE architecture. This application will be deployed on "Application Server" [JBoss].

2) Application Server: JBoss

- Getting Started:
i) Unzip to appropriate location (/user/local/ or c:/)
ii) check for run.bat (windows) or (unix/linux like systems) and execute it
[use -b option to run it with IP address or hostname, so that it can be accessed using IP or Hostname instead of localhost always]
./ -b
iii) check for the runtime logs to see if the server started without any errors

3) UML Tools:

4) Basic Application Structure:
i) Create new Java project in eclipse [JavaEE_Sample]
ii) Add new [Source Folder] named : web

iii) Add new [Folder] named : WEB-INF under web source folder [web/WEB-INF]
iv) Add new file web.xml under WEB-INF folder [web/WEB-INF/web.xml]
This is a application descriptor for web application which maintains operational relationship of web application.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<web-app xmlns=""


v) Add new index.html file under web folder [web/index.html]

This is a sample web application. 

5) Deployment:
i) Save the project as war (web archive) file : myjavaee.war
(The war file is a zip file named as war so that Application Server can understand it as a web application)
ii) Copy the war file to the deploy folder of JBoss, which will deploy the web application

iii) Start JBoss using run command 
/JBossInstallation/bin/ (run.bat for windows)
iv) Confirm deployment by checking log file

6) Test confirmation:
i) Access the deployed web application using below context
(8080 is default port where JBoss runs)
ii) Check output to see below message