Java Fundamentals

1. Introduction
1.1 Object
Object have both Properties (Data) & Methods (Actions) together.

1.2 Programming
Instructions to the Computer to solve certain problem Or to automate certain routine process is called programming.

1.3 Computer
Performs series of actions on data as per the instructions (program) to output desirable results.

·      CPU: Central Processing Unit
·      Memory: Use for temporary storage of program instructions and data. Memory users are CPU, Graphics Card and other components.
·      HD: Hard Disk is used to store data permanently.
·      Graphics Card: is use to display graphics.
·      bus: is use to transfer data between computer components, such as CPU, Memory.
·      I/O Controller: is used to connect I/O devices to the bus

Q1. What is an Object? Give 5 examples.
Q2. What is the main job of CPU?
Q3. What is the difference between Memory and HD?
Q4. Major Difference between Procedural & Object Oriented

2. OOP Features
Object Oriented programming (OOP) is based on below 4 important features, which promotes data hiding, reuse and building of the entire system using objects.

2.1 Encapsulation
Encapsulates the data and complex business logic of the object, and exposes the necessary data to external world only via interfaces.

2.2 Inheritance
- Inheritance promotes code reuse, extensibility, better maintenance
- Sub object inherits properties & methods from the super object


Each planet has a mass, gravity and other properties, which can be abstracted to create super class, called Planet. The Planet class contains abstract properties and methods from the specific planet class, such as Earth, Mars.
Later, it is possible to add more Planets to the system just by choosing super class “Planet”

2.3 Abstraction
Provides simplified & abstract interfaces to the users (including systems) to interact with underlying system.

2.4 Polymorphism
Based on the conditions same object behaves differently.

Q1. Explain with example How OOP promotes reuse?
Q2. Give 5 examples of real world Encapsulation usage.
Q3. Give 5 applications of Inheritance. 
Q4. How Abstraction helps to simplify the interaction with the system?

3. Java program compilation
The source of java is written in the high level language, such as English. The source needs to be compiled to create java byte code. The byte code runs on JVM (Java Virtual Machine) as a program.

IDE: Integrated Development Environment, such as Eclipse. IDE is use to build applications based on pre-built project templates, version management integration, source structure management and testing and debugging environment all together consolidated for efficient programming.

- Java is case sensitive language, Earth <> earth.
- Java is WORA language, meaning Write Once Run Anywhere, hence it is platform independent language.

Q1. How to create java source file?
Q2. How to compile java program by using IDE?
Q3. How to run java program using IDE?
Q4. Create a new class file,, compile it and run it to print message, “Welcome to the Mars ! ”

4. Data types & Variables
Data types in java can be divided into two groups (Primitive & Reference) as shown below,

public class Earth {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Welcome to Earth !");
Welcome to Earth !
//Check the output and fix the datatype !
public class Calculator { 
       public static void main(String[] args) {
              int n1 = 10;
              int n2 = 100;

              int result1 = n1 / n2;
              int result2 = n1 * n2;
              int result3 = n1 + n2;
              int result4 = n1 - n2;
              System.out.println("NUMBER 1 = " + n1 + ", NUMBER 2 = " + n2);
              System.out.println("Result of division = " + result1);
              System.out.println("Result of multiplication = " + result2);
              System.out.println("Result of addition = " + result3);
              System.out.println("Result of subtraction = " + result4);
Output: (Need to fix data types in Program for correct results !)
NUMBER 1 = 10, NUMBER 2 = 100
Result of division = 0
Result of multiplication = 1000
Result of addition = 110
Result of subtraction = -90

5. Programming Styles
5.1 Major Difference between Procedural programming and Object Oriented Programming

5.1.1 Procedural programming
Focus is on getting the specific result by carrying out list of tasks. Data and Actions are defined separately.

5.1.2 Object Oriented (OO) Programming
Focus is on getting the specific result by carrying out interaction between the objects. Data and Actions are defined as a one object.

Lab #1
Write a program to carryout four actions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on two numbers. Use procedural programming style.
//Check the output and fix the datatype !
public class Calculator {

       public static void main(String[] args) {
              int n1 = 10;
              int n2 = 100;

              int result1 = n1 / n2;
              int result2 = n1 * n2;
              int result3 = n1 + n2;
              int result4 = n1 - n2;
              System.out.println("NUMBER 1 = " + n1 + ", NUMBER 2 = " + n2);
              System.out.println("Result of division = " + result1);
              System.out.println("Result of multiplication = " + result2);
              System.out.println("Result of addition = " + result3);
              System.out.println("Result of subtraction = " + result4);

Lab #2
Write a program to carryout four actions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) on two numbers. Use OO programming style.
No main() method inside Calculator, so that Calculator can be reused
main() is to be implemented inside the other class (

Class diagram:

public class Calculator {
     * Method to print result after adding
     * two numbers 
     * @param n1 first number to be added
     * @param n2 second number to be added
    public void add(double n1, double n2) {
           double result = n1 + n2;
        System.out.println("Result of addition = " + result);

    public void sub(double n1, double n2) {
           double result = n1 - n2;
        System.out.println("Result of subtraction = " + result);
    public void mul(double n1, double n2) {
           double result = n1 * n2;
        System.out.println("Result of multiplication = " + result);
    public void div(double n1, double n2) {
           double result = n1 / n2;
        System.out.println("Result of division = " + result);
public class Client {

       public static void main(String[] args) {
              Calculator cal = new Calculator();


Result of addition = 30.0
Result of subtraction = 10.0
Result of multiplication = 200.0

Result of division = 2.0
6. SDLC  (Software Development Life Cycle)

Important Phases of SDLC are,

o Idea (concept) 
o Requirements
o Design
o Implementation
o Testing (Unit Testing, SIT, UAT)
o Production Release
o Maintenance (bug fixing, new feature addition)
o Decommissioning

SDLC can be more efficient and effective by using OOP. The OOP helps SDLC from Implementation (object reuse, inheritance, encapsulation), Testing (object behaviour can be tested individually or as part of a system) and Production release & maintenance (only release impacted objects instead of entire system).

7. Documenting with javadoc Comments

7.1. Documenting with javadoc Comments

Write comments on the top of Class and public Method to generate javadoc, which can be used by other developers to understand the Class and Method usage

7.1.1 Source Code

7.1.2 Command to generate Java doc

7.1.3 Output Java doc


12.  Lab #3: Decision making.
Use if and ifelse block for decision making and flow control of the program.

12.1 Write a program to calculate yearly salary using monthly salary of 1000.
Print the results.
public class SalaryCalculator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double monthlySalary = 600;
double yearlySalary = monthlySalary * 12; //1 Year = 12 Months

System.out.println("Month Salary = " + monthlySalary);
System.out.println("Yearly Salary = " + yearlySalary);
Month Salary = 600.0
Yearly Salary = 7200.0

12.2 Write a program to calculate Net yearly salary using monthly salary of 1000. Use below Tax rates and formulas.
1.     Yearly Salary = Monthly Salary * 12
2.     Net Salary = Yearly Salary – Yearly Tax
3.     Yearly Tax = Yearly Salary * Tax Rate

Tax rate table:
Monthly Salary
Tax rate (Yearly)
< 500
>= 500 AND < 1000
>= 1000

Print the results in following format.
Monthly Salary = XXX
Yearly Salary (Gross) = XXX
Yearly Tax Rate = XXX
Yearly Tax Amount = XXX
Net Yearly Salary = XXX

public class SalaryCalculatorWithTax {

public static void main(String[] args) {

double monthlySalary = 600;
double taxRate = 0;
double yearlySalary = monthlySalary * 12; //1 Year = 12 Months
if (yearlySalary < 500) {
taxRate = 0.1;
if (yearlySalary >= 500 && yearlySalary < 1000) {
taxRate = 0.2;
if (yearlySalary >= 1000) {
taxRate = 0.4;
double yearlyTax = yearlySalary * taxRate;
double netSalary = yearlySalary - yearlyTax;
System.out.println("Monthly Salary =" + monthlySalary);
System.out.println("Yearly Salary (Gross) =" + yearlySalary);
System.out.println("Yearly Tax Rate =" + taxRate);
System.out.println("Yearly Tax Amount =" + yearlyTax);
System.out.println("Net Yearly Salary =" + netSalary);
Monthly Salary =600.0
Yearly Salary (Gross) =7200.0
Yearly Tax Rate =0.4
Yearly Tax Amount =2880.0
Net Yearly Salary =4320.0

12.3 Write a program to calculate the ATM service charges based on the day of the month. Please use following relationship between month of the day & service charges. (Use ifelse…if)
public class TestIfElse {

public static void main(String[] args) {
double serviceCharges = 0;
       //on 1st of every month service charges = 1%,
//on 2nd day = 2%, on 3rd day = 3%, on 4th and above = 4% int day = 2;
if (day == 1) {
serviceCharges = 0.01;
} else if (day == 2) {
serviceCharges = 0.02;
} else if (day == 3) {
serviceCharges = 0.03;
} else if (day >= 4) {
serviceCharges = 0.04;
} else {
System.out.println("Invalid service charges.");
System.out.println("Service charges are " + serviceCharges + ", for   
the day " + day + " of the month");
Service charges are 0.02, for the day 2 of the month

12.4 Write a program to print name of the weekday based on specified number of the weekday using switch() statement.
public class DemoSwitch {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int dayOfTheWeek = 1;
switch (dayOfTheWeek) {
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
case 4 :
case 5 :
case 6 :
case 7 :
default :
System.out.println("Invalid number, try again.");

13.  Lab #4: Looping
Loops can be used to iterate through list of records or to read an external file.

There are three types of loop,
i) for loop
ii) while loop
iii) do while loop

Each type of loop consists of atleast below 3 statements. Only the difference is in how these statements are declared and their location as shown below.
Location in
Location in while
Location in
do …while

int i = 0;
Inside the for loop statement
Above while block
Above do…while block
Boolean expression

i < 5:
Inside the for loop statement
Entry of the while block
Exit of the do…while block
Increment or
Decrement expression

i = i + 1;
Inside for loop statement
Inside while block
Inside do…while block

13.1 Write a program to print numbers from 0 to 4 using “for” loop.
public class DemoForLoop {

public static void main(String[] args) {
//1. Initialization: int i = 0;
//2. Boolean expression: i < 5;
//3. Increment: i = i + 1

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i = i + 1) {
System.out.println("Value of i = " + i);
Value of i = 0
Value of i = 1
Value of i = 2
Value of i = 3
Value of i = 4

13.2 Write a program to print numbers from 0 to 4 using “while” loop.
public class DemoWhileLoop {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//1. Initialization
int i = 0;

while(i < 5) { //2. Boolean expression
System.out.println("Value of i = " + i);
i = i + 1; //3. Increment
Value of i = 1
Value of i = 2
Value of i = 3
Value of i = 4

13.3 Write a program to print numbers from 0 to 4 using “do…while” loop.
public class DemoWhileLoop {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//1. Initialization
int i = 0;

do {
System.out.println("Value of i = " + i);
i = i + 1; //3. Increment
} while(i < 5); //2. Boolean expression at the exit
Value of i = 0
Value of i = 1
Value of i = 2
Value of i = 3
Value of i = 4

13.4 Write a program to print ODD number from 0 to 20. Use loop and modulus operator (%).
public class DemoODDNumberPrinter {

public static void main(String[] args) {
for(int n = 0; n <= 20; n = n + 1) {
if ((n % 2) == 1) {  //Reminder is 1 for ODD number
System.out.println("ODD number is = " + n);
ODD number is = 1
ODD number is = 3
ODD number is = 5
ODD number is = 7
ODD number is = 9
ODD number is = 11
ODD number is = 13
ODD number is = 15
ODD number is = 17
ODD number is = 19 

Java Quiz # 1 (Total 10 marks, 1 mark per question)

Topic Name
1. Object & Class
What is difference between Class & Object? Give one example.

2. OOP
What are the features of OOP (Object Oriented Programming)?

3. Compilation
What is the purpose of Java source compilation?

4. Method
What is the purpose of main(String[] args) method ?

5. Data types
List primitive data types in Java?

6. Decision making
Print output of below code block,

public class TestAND {

      public static void main(String[] args) {
            double gravity = 9.81; //m/s2 ,3.711 on mars
            double oxygen = 21; //21% , 0.14 % on mars

            if (gravity >= 9.81 && oxygen <= 21) {
            } else {
                  System.out.println("UNKNOWN PLANET.");

7. Looping
Write a program to print 0 to 5 numbers using any of the three loops (for, while, do … while)?

8. Modulus Or remainder operator (%)
Print output of below code block,

public class DemoModulus {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
            int number = 10;
            if ( number % 2 > 0 ) {
                  System.out.println("number is odd.");
            } else {
                  System.out.println("number is even.");

9.  Fundamental
Java language is case sensitive.
(True / False)
10. Fundamental
Java program needs to recompile to create byte code as per the target operating system. (True / False)

How to write Model class and call its methods from the caller (

 * Class to model Door of the castle, which can be opened and
 * closed by calling respective open() & close() public methods.
 * @author AUTHOR_NAME
public class Door {
       * Method to open the castle door based on the correct passcode.
       * @param passcode the passcode to open the door
       * @return true if the door has been opened, else return false
      public boolean open(int passcode) {
            if (passcode == 123) {
                  System.out.println("Welcome to the Java Kingdom.");
                  return true;
            System.out.println("Sorry, the passcode is incorrect.");

            return false;
       * Method to close the already open door
      public void close() {
            System.out.println("The door has been closed.");

public class CastleManager {

      public static void main(String[] args) {
            System.out.println("= BEGIN =");
            //create an Instance (Object) of the Door class
            Door door = new Door();
            //call method open() of door object with the parameter of passcode (123)

            //call method close() of door object
            System.out.println("= END =");

Welcome to the Java Kingdom.
The door has been closed.
= END =